Current Members
Rose M. Zanca
Ph.D. Student
B.A. Neuroscience
Queens College
Thesis topic: Glucocorticoid upregualtion after stress and its effects on synaptic plasticity and behavior
Projects: Stress and memory, Drug abuse, Affective disorders
Research Interests:
Stress effects on memory
Molecular mechanisms underlying stress effects on memory
Corticoid upregulation and its effects on neural function
Stress effects on synaptic plasticity
Career aspirations: Basic research track leading to post-doctoral positions and faculty and senior-researcher positions
Nicoletta Memos
Ph.D. Student
Angela Steele
Former Graduate Students
Jorge A. Avila
Ruttgers Univeristy, Neuroscience
PhD Thesis Topic: AMPA-receptor Trafficking & Spine Morphology in Stress models
Projects: Neuroinflammation, Drug abuse, stress
Research Interests:
Learning and Memory
Synaptic mechanisms underlying learning and memory
Molecular mechanisms affecting synaptic plasticity
AMPA-receptor trafficking
Structural plasticity of dendritic spines
Structural plasticity effects on learning and memory
Immune-responses mediated by neuroglia
Developmental mechanisms underlying behavioral trajectories in adolescence and adulthood
Stress effects on the brain and behavior
Career aspirations:
Basic research track through Post-doctoral positions leading to faculty or senior researcher positions at universities and institutions.
Jorge A. Avila, PhD
Post-Doctoral Scientist
Rutgers University, Neuroscience Dept
Thesis Topic: AMPA-receptor Trafficking & Spine Morphology in Stress models
Projects: Drug abuse
Research Interests:
Learning and Memory
Synaptic mechanisms underlying learning and memory
Molecular mechanisms affecting synaptic plasticity
AMPA-receptor trafficking
Structural plasticity of dendritic spines
Structural plasticity effects on learning and memory
Immune-responses mediated by neuroglia
Developmental mechanisms underlying behavioral trajectories in adolescence and adulthood
Stress effects on the brain and behavior
Career aspirations:
Faculty or senior researcher positions at universities and institutions.
Previous Master's level Graduate Researchers
Assitou Diallo
Researcher at the State University of New York Albany
Veronica Sebastian
Doctoral Student at SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Edgar Rodriguez
MA Graduate Student Cognitive Neuroscience CUNY